[postlink]https://americannmuslim.blogspot.com/2011/10/tahlil.html[/postlink]<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/M4wuVWU-mco" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


[postlink]https://americannmuslim.blogspot.com/2011/07/tahlil.html[/postlink]2. Tahlil
Tahlil, derived from the word "Hallala - Yuhallilu - tahlilan", which meant saying La ilaha Illaa sentence of God. According to an understandable sense of everyday life, tahlil interpret as "read a series of surah-surah al-Quran, a father-verse selection, and choice sentences dhikr, which begins with the reading surah al-Fatihah by meniatkna reward for the spirit intended by the reader or by the owner's intent, then closed with prayer.
Tahlil prayers core activities is to ask God to reward reading the Qur'an and dhikr, dhikr other options presented to spirits that are intended in particular and Muslims in general, and begged forgiveness to God for their souls.
Why the practice is called tahlil (tahlilan activity), which is read not only pahadahal tahlil sentence alone. At least in this case there are several answers: First, the event called for a sentence tahlil tahlil more widely read in it. Naming such as naming Inis sunnah prayer beads, prayer beads in the prayer for the readings are read by large numbers (300 times), in accordance with the guidance of the Prophet.
Second, the sentence is a sentence dhikr tahlil foremost, so it is worth if the event is called by that name. In addition, not only to the extent tahlil dhikr alone but also include other readings, so the mention tahlil as rules:

ذكر الجز إرادة الكل
"Refer to some but the question is everything".

This term also indicates that tahlil not only limited to reading the phrase "La ilaha Illaa God" but also in conjunction with other dhikr, dhikr. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam:

أفضل الذكر التهليل لا إله إلا الله, وأفضل الدعاء الحمد لله
"Dhikr is the main thing is that La ilaha Illaa tahlil God, and prayer is most important is Praise be to Allaah"

أفضل ما قلت أنا والنبيون من قبلى: لا إله إلا الله
"The main thing that I and the Prophets before me is La ilaha Illaa read God"


[postlink]https://americannmuslim.blogspot.com/2011/07/dhikr.html[/postlink]1. Dhikr
Dhikr dhikr or in full, dzikirullah-means calling or remembrance of Allah. In connection with Tahlil, dhikr means reading or phrases holy to get the reward. For example read the sentence tayyibah (tahlil sentence), Takbir, beads, tahmi, hawqalah, basmalah, seek forgiveness, blessings on, reading the Koran and so forth. From this, the activity is also an assembly tahlil halaqah dhikr or remembrance.
When saying the dhikr, dhikr, should be accompanied with a special heart and always connected to God Subhana wa Ta'alaa.
